DFW Airport

A 4″ jet fuel vacuum line running beneath the runway at DFW airport had developed a pressure leak. The line functioned to suck jet fuel exhaust away from the runway to where it is properly filtered and disposed. Under strict FAA guidelines, the airport was required to repair the leaking line and pressure test it in a very small window of time.

Air passengers watched as Accurate Leak & Line successful installed a push-rod CIPP beneath the extremely dense layer of runway concrete. The leaking vacuum line was rehabilitated with absolutely no destruction or disruption to the airport’s busy daily routine. Following the repair the line was high-pressure tested with no loss in pressure.

UT Arlington – Old and deteriorated roof drains at the University of Texas at Arlington proved to be the perfect candidate for CIPP. One of the prestigious school’s busiest and most frequented buildings developed leaks in several of its’ roof storm drains, becoming a nuisance for students and staff.

Instead of doing intense construction and downtime for traditional repair of these concrete hidden drains, UTA sub-contracted Accurate Leak & Line to rehabilitate the pipes non-invasively with CIPP.

The liners were installed successfully from the roof of the building with no interference to the school’s routines.