Tips To Avoid Sewer Line Repair Scams

The need for any type of sewer repair is never good news, yet the problem can be aggravated even further when you discover that you’ve been scammed by an unscrupulous firm whose only intent is to separate you from your money. You either end up with an expensive repair that wasn’t necessary or you end up paying an excessive amount of money for a basic repair.

Either way, firms of this nature don’t worry about the ethics of what they’re doing, they simply look for the next vulnerable victim. To avoid joining this group, listed below are some tips to follow so that you can determine if you’re being scammed:

Detecting Video Fraud

Sewer pipe repair becomes necessary when corrosion of those pipes takes such a toll that leaks begin to develop. Since these are located underground, a company needs to maneuver a camera to determine if that issue exists, which is where a scam artist will try and fool an unsuspecting customer.

They’ll set up the camera so that the customer is shown a pre-recorded video of someone else’s deteriorating sewer line, not your line. When an unsuspecting customer sees this, panic sets in and they agree to an expensive repair. To eliminate that possibility, asking them to film around your sewer line will help guarantee that the video is legitimate.

Sometimes a Clog is Just a Clog

Clogged drains may be related to sewer line issues that need to be addressed before real damage occurs. A reputable firm certainly knows the difference and will be able to handle this type of job with a minimum of hassle. They wouldn’t think of telling you that the entire sewer line needs to be repaired or replaced.

Unfortunately, someone not well-versed in this type of sewer pipe repair will take the word of so-called-experts who insist that you’re putting your home in danger if a line replacement doesn’t take place. The end result is that quality pipe is removed and discarded, with your wallet taking the biggest hit in this scam.

The Slab Leak Detector Scam

Any company that’s focused on truly detecting slab leaks will use state-of-the-art equipment that makes sure that such leaks are accurately detected and then repaired. Someone who arrives with basic leak repair items and claims that it’s a professional slab leak detector isn’t serious about making such repairs.

This equipment may allow for a quick fix, but in reality, it’s merely laying the groundwork for a return visit that will end up being much more costly. Licensed plumbing companies don’t attempt to use such unethical approaches to obtain jobs.

Sticker Shock

The average homeowner doesn’t necessarily keep up on the current price of sewer repair, which is what a dishonest operator looks for when searching for new victims. In normal line repairs of this nature, you’re probably going to be paying around $5,000, though that price can fluctuate somewhat either way (Find out how much does it cost to repair a slab leak here).

The problem is that scam artists in this field will put on an act and claim that the damage is extensive, offering a price that’s twice the amount noted above. Doing your homework beforehand is imperative in this type of situation or you’re likely to end up with an expensive education when it comes to fraud.

The Right Choice

Accurate Leak and Line is your best option when seeking someone to perform sewer pipe repair and who uses high-level equipment for a slab leak detector. Contact us today for any sewer repair you need. We can guarantee that we’ll treat you fairly and ethically.


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