How to Identify Foundation Leaks

Foundation problems can become major issues since they affect the entire infrastructure of your home. Therefore, it’s important to notice any problems that develop immediately before they have time to morph into even bigger problems. One of the most important parts of checking for an issue is learning how to identify the issue and there are five major signs that indicate you have a problem with your foundation.

1. Foundation Movement. Cracks in the walls and floors are one of the most indicative signs of foundation movement. The ground beneath is shifting causing the movement. When the ground shifts, any loose clay shifts as well, and this could lead to pipes and drainage systems becoming damaged. This, in turn, leaves water free to seep into and unsettle the walls and floors. Cracks are usually seen at the top or bottom of the walls, and they may be large or small cracks. Some might not be very noticeable at all. A flashlight can assist you in spotting even the smallest of cracks, though.

2. Buckling Floors. If you have hardwood flooring in your basement that begin buckling or crackling, then you probably have a foundation problem somewhere. Moisture causes the wood to buckle and wrap. Likewise, it can cause tiles to buckle and can result in rust accumulating on them as well.

3. Cracking Walls. Although cracking walls are common indicators of movement, they can also be a sign of overload or excess stress on the walls. If the cracks aren’t seen at the top or bottom of the walls as is customary with foundation movement problems, but are found within the middle of walls or around doors or windows, then there could be a stress problem. This doesn’t apply to the hairline cracks that appear in basements over time since these are normal and are oftentimes caused by shrinkage. However, any major cracks found in the walls could be cause for concern.

4. Doors Sticking. If your doors stick when you try to close them, and you experience difficultly in getting them closed, then you most likely have a moisture problem somewhere. Doors tend to swell and expand when they’re around moisture, so if you’ve suddenly noticing that your doors aren’t closing so well, you likely have a leak somewhere in your foundation.

5. Floor Damage. Obviously, if your floors have damage such as rotting, mold and mildew, then there is a leakage problem somewhere in the foundation. Oftentimes, this type of damage is caused by busted plumbing and other such issues. Alternatively, a continuously running toilet could be the cause of the issue. The reason for floor damage depends, in part, upon the location of the damage and your specific circumstances.

Other Indications of Foundation Leaks

Although the above listed are among the most common signs witnessed when your home has a leak, you might also observe peeling paint and white deposits. If the paint is peeling from your basement’s walls, it is because the paint has gotten damp, which indicates moisture coming from somewhere. If you observe any white deposits on the floor of your basement around the walls, then there is likely a crack or leak nearby. Deposits begin to grown on concrete when there is a leak near them, which is a definite sign that you have a leak somewhere, close.

Identifying leaks isn’t always an easy process. Sometimes you might require the assistance of a professional in determining the cause for moisture in your basement. Fortunately, there are experts available to assist you. Contact our team at Accurate Leak and Line today to learn how we can help with your foundation problem.



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