A Water Line Inspection Can Save You On Home Buying

Did you know that obtaining a water line inspection before purchasing a home could save you money in the long term? Many residential properties older than 25 years in the San Antonio and Austin areas possess aging infrastructure systems. Wastewater pipes leading from the home to main lines sometimes corrode or break, costing property owners significant water line expenses. 
Additionally, houses equipped with underground sprinkler systems occasionally display poor maintenance. Broken or clogged water pipes in this situation impose potentially heavy repair and maintenance bills on new owners who wish to use lawn irrigation.

Caveat Emptor

Ancient Romans popularized an expression, which aptly sums up the predicament of residential Texas homebuyers in some circumstances. “Caveat emptor” (or “buyer beware”) still holds some validity today.

While municipalities will usually promptly attend to broken pipes maintained by cities, many residential property owners discover to their dismay that they bear the responsibility of cleaning up environmental hazards created by broken wastewater sewer lines extending within their property boundaries. Unfortunately, most home inspectors who examine real estate before a closing don’t address this highly specialized issue.

A Smelly Problem

Purchasers sometimes leave the closing table as the owners of an older house, only to discover a short time later that corroding, aging infrastructure on the property caused damage. If water leaks seep onto an adjoining property, the new owner may face a potentially expensive cleanup process, or even litigation, from irate neighbors.

The problem also applies to some new properties. If you buy a residence close to other properties, yet fail to check into this issue, you may discover that wastewater drainage from an adjoining home or business has created an environmental hazard in your yard.

Specialized Pre-purchase Water Line Inspections

Don’t wait to discover a water leak or backflow issue impacting your home before or after purchasing a home. Adopt a proactive stance by taking steps to identify the issue at the earliest possible point.

Seeking a pre-purchase water line inspection potentially saves time and stress later by offering assurance that the infrastructure underneath and around a residential home appears sound. An inspector may identify potential sources that could impact your new property. The inspection will reveal potential infrastructure problems that could dissipate property values unless corrected. You’ll appreciate discovering this information before you close on a transaction.

Checking For Leaking Septic Tanks

A qualified plumber  also inspects for leaks on the property. Many rural homes rely on septic tanks, not municipal pipe systems. By checking the septic system and its drainage field, the inspector ensures that pipes do not display evidence of corrosion and leakage that may require expensive repairs.

Accurate Leak are experts in trenchless water line repair and can determine water flow without tearing into the land. This limits the amount of damage to your yard but also provides an affordable solution in finding a leak in a shorter amount of time.

A Wise Precaution

Residential water line inspections are beneficial to both buyers and sellers. They also prevent disrupted closings. When your home is ready to sell do not hold back closing of the home because of any plumbing issues. With our experts we can come in and provide the solutions you need for your sewer line and water line repair in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and the DFW area. Contact us today to schedule a quote for your home.



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